Monday, January 17, 2011


Time past by incredibly fast,
Yet I'm still living in the past,
Dream of a pitiful girl,
Who lost in the light.

Hoping that future was the pass,
Wishing  nothing will changed,
Adrift in her fairy tale life,
Which stayed as a tale,
Illusive and deceptive,

They say I'm acting cowardly,
Being afraid of nothing,
But it's fine,it's okay,
Their words don't harm me,

Somehow I'm believing that
things will get better,
As long you're here,
though what left now was nothing but
your shadow and memories,

You in the pass was all I have,
Due Mr.Future Whodoes'twait
has taken you away,
You left without me,
And left me here, a.l.o.n.e

Yet I'm still waiting,
Waiting for you that I
knew will never came,
I'm still here,

You have been taken,
Far away, out form my reach,
Mr.Future Whodoes'twait
do picked me up,

But Mrs.Reminisce Thepast
always drop me here again,
I realize that Mr.Future Whodoes'twait
will only took me far away from you,
way far,
Therefore I decided to stay here,
In the past...
Where there I still have the old you,
Who now I known as memory,
Now ,
We pass by each other,

Day by day,
but we still playing invisible
to each other,
There's no longer the warmth ,
What left was the chills of strangers,
Though you might saw me ,
living in the future, no worries,
Yet I'm still here,
At the same place you left me
in the past,
Same as before,Here,Waiting you.

                    -Ella Machiavellian