Friday, September 13, 2013


Hello worms ,

      My apologize for the insolent greeting after its been a while since we last talked. Cant help from not being an arrogant biatch . Well , "How are you ?" I suppose as a proper greetings .

    Well it has been a new chapter of my life since ,,,well I have no idea since when the new chapter started but they just did. I am not really sure either this chapter is a good one or another piece of crap . Nevertheless , if you skip one chapter of your life you might just got lost in the middle of story, 

                 SO HELL YEAH ! Im going through this chapter although it will kill the soul out of me .

       However, I shall ensure you this chapter will be giving you an excitement and thrill . 
                                                               Well isn't that obvious since I AM LIVING IN IT .

         Things become instantaneously awesome when I'm in it :)  FACTS.

I believed right now you are on your nerve while reading my post and you are thinking just shut the hell up.

       Let me tell you this , if I was given $1 dollar each time I was called ugly,

                        then I'll shall be bloody poor. Since Im so awfully gorgeous that it makes you out of breath !

                                     GOODBYE LOSERRRS ! 

                                                                    Sincere as always ,