Saturday, October 16, 2010

Hello freak, we are newbies

   Hello world ,
                          Bună ziua , I'm Ella, 
                          what's up with the Romanian stuff ? For fun ,anyway lets get to the Let-Know-Each-Other sessions.
                          I'm Ella Machiavellian, how i come up with Machiavellian is nothing on your concern, i'll tell you in other 
                          post,lets get to the juicy information. I'm a 15 year old lass, the main purpose of me having a blog is 
                          i'm inspired by someone , and to fulfill my leisure time. I am a vicious girl with a bad manners and i can be 
                          angelic , altruist species if i want to but i refuse, however i'm proud of my double personality just like 
                          Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde , no worries i would not end-up suiciding myself. Truth be told, I'm a multi-character which is 
                          i can be good then one minute later I'm so wicked or i could be shy then i'll be mutated to a fun bloody hilarious 
                          lass, I'M A MOOD SWINGblahblahblahblahblah. Enough with the talking for now, i'm going after my
                                                                              xoxo E.MACHIAVELLIAN