Sunday, October 31, 2010


Buna Ziua,
  Rise and shine human, 

      As you see, my morning start pretty well. Dull and pale. As usual a toastand jam do make my day. Anyway, still we are in Halloween spirit, so Happy Halloween day.  Well I've filled my Halloween  watchinghorror film, from the Japanese to the Indonesian. Just name it. It helped me to kill my time. You see, watching those horror supposed make me terrified or give me shiver at night, hallucination of being chased and killedby the loony ghost. It is AMUSING
       Anyway, I've discovered something pretty cool actually, About myself.To me yes but it is a bad news  for you. I am a MISANTHROPISTI love trees, animals more then I like human. Nahhh,, human don't  make me feel intimidated or envy. I just dislike them. I do aware  that I'm in that species too. To be simplified, I disgraced my own kind. Well to me, human including me ,I guess, lost their humanity. They live their life in vain and insanity . It's been centuries,still, human act inhumane. History repeat itself. People act foolishly .I'm not being ungrateful to be able to lived as human. Thanks god You gave  me a life as human. I do have best buddies which is human.Sadly, human are unstable. They constantly change. Human are creature that full of selfishness. 
          One minute they are your breath then puff ~ they turned you down and stab your back. They always talk double meaning. Such as "hey you know the relation between you and me ? I can't go on anymore further.I'm sorry"' . Well what they really mean was "Hey i'm sick of your face. You make me eat my vomit."     
      Thereby, I really took cautions when it comes to human. I never trust them. You can hit me or insult me cause I disdainful my own kind. However, this is my blog and a democratic country so I'm free to write whatever I desire. 
      I am a Misanthropist not a cannibal . Feel free to talk to me. yes I'm a freak. Thank you. By the way, there is some part of human that I talk about just now, do reflect myself . I'm the type of human that hate human. No need to be understood why, your superficial mind just can't reach it. 
                                                                               Farewell human .        

                                                                                                          xoxo: E.MACHIAVELLIAN