Friday, November 5, 2010


Buna Ziua,

      Have you ever woke up in the morning , and then you got this feeling.
An overpowering feeling and attachment to someone you never seen in 
your life or you never even knew whether his existence was real.Whenever 
you closed your eyes, you could feel  your heart  beating for him. Feels like
 your heart was about burst out . He was your worst nightmare . Still whenever
you were dreaming away, you'll be hoping that he will still be there. Crawling 
in your sweet dream and turned your  imperturbable night into chaos and 
bedlam. It was a misery that taste so sweet. Still , every dreams need its ending . 
Each time you woke up, his vivid image turned blur. His cold smile and 
warm body gone when you started pulling yourself back to reality. In my case,
all about him gone when I heard my mom voice piercing my ears . pffffttt. 
Then you will be overwhelm by the void that he left you with. Static and numb 
for a couple of minute . Trying to get back your sense. Well, that was precisely what
I was experiencing since, well for a very long period of  time for sure . I know it
sound lunatic . How can you fall in love with someone in that came from the 
dreamland and gone next in the morning every time you wake up ? Well, to be 
accurate I slept for 8 hours and sometimes more, then you times it with 365 days. 
You do the math and the result was more then enough. Well, you can say that
I'm good with dreaming and hallucinating , however, what I felt now is real.
I can feel his presence. Occupied my hollows. Presumably, he was out there 
and who knows that maybe I'll found my prince charming soon or never.
 Only he was gifted with the capability of  making me feel surreal. 
                    TO MEET HIM.  
                                                 It would be my pleasure
