Monday, November 15, 2010

Foolish Me

There was time to times when I was sitting around or just doing nothing
then suddenly I'll felt deeply hurt. A major cuts piercing through your heart. 
yeah. Something like that. This affliction hurt you so bad till your'll suffocated.
The lonesome that you praise and who always shield you from the world 
turned you down and it felt liked killing you slowly.
         I used to be the one who is cold-hearted , well I am still a cold hearted
now. Well things is, recently I had this feeling of losing or somewhat I can call as
empty for precise. Yes indeed it is corruptive. Back then, I never experience
the emptiness though I life in solidity. Then somehow, I walked out from my 
safe zone venturing the outside life. I never really enjoy it though. 
        I still remember the main reason I dare myself to step out off my safe zone,
It was you. Not you, others you. Well as we knew curiosity kill the cat
I began to like you somehow, surprisingly in a short time. You started being
my routine. Addiction ? Nope more to routine. It's a need having you near.
I can't really figure out what on you that capable of attracting me.I guess 
the you don't really had anything was what that caught my attentions.
      Well yeah, then you puff and vanish and gone really seems tad awkward
to me. Not having you around, is weird. ahh yes, your cowardly actions really
annoy me a lot. But then yeah, I kept saying this to myself "If he annoys me so much
why even bother thinking ?". and bamm ! Again my own sarcasm hit me back
on my face, and , "Why do I even bother to wrote about him ?". yes yes, 
Foolish Me. I guess I just miss you
     No worries I'm okay and I'm convincing myself I am okay. This thing it have the 
on and off switch buttons and it is only me who have access on it.

                                ELLA MACHIAVELLIAN